E-training on EU Family property regimes
ELI Guiding Principles for Automated Decision-Making in the Eu
European Law Institute Innovation Paper 2022 ELI_Innovation_Paper_on_Guiding_Principles_for_ADM_in_the_EUDownload
Case C-179/21 (Victorinox)
A trader who offers, on websites such as Amazon, goods which he has not himself produced must inform the consumer of the manufacturer’s guarantee if that guarantee has been made a central or essential element of the offer....
Data Governance Act
On 16 May 2022, after the European Parliament, the Council approved the Data Governance Act. Data-Governance-Act-approvedDownload
Programma strategico Intelligenza Artificiale 2022-2024
a cura del Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca, del Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico e del Ministro perl’Innovazione tecnologica e la Transizione Digitale del Governo Italiano, pubblicato in data 24.11.2021 1637777289-programma-strategico-iaweb-1Download
Online advertising: the impact of targeted advertising on advertisers, market access and consumer choice
Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life PoliciesDirectorate-General for Internal Policies (June 2021) Authors: Niklas FOURBERG, Serpil TAŞ, Lukas WIEWIORRA, Ilsa GODLOVITCH, Alexandre DE STREEL, Hervé JACQUEMIN, Jordan HILL, Madalina NUNU,...
Google and Alphabet v Commission (Google Shopping)
The General Court largely dismisses Google’s action against the decision of the Commission finding that Google abused its dominant position by favouring its own comparison shopping service over competing comparison shopping services General Court of the European Union...
Report on stablecoins
President’s Working Group on Financial Markets Releases Report and Recommendations on Stablecoins (November 2021) StableCoinReport_Nov1_508Download
Draft Report on artificial intelligence in a digital age
Special Committee on Artificial Intelligence in a Digital Age - Rapporteur: Axel Voss (2020/2266(INI)) EU-Draft-Report-on-AI-in-a-digital-ageDownload
European Parliamentary Research Service – Liability of online platforms
Panel for the Future of Science and Technology - February 2021 EPRS_STU2021656318_ENDownload